ArcelorMittal Blog
With 210,000 employees across 60 countries, ArcelorMittal is a leading integrated steel and mining company and its aim is quite simply to be the world’s safest. It is rigorously following a group-wide safety programme called “Journey to Zero” with the objective of zero incidents, zero fatalities and zero occupational illnesses.
Improving health and safety performance to this degree requires a strong health and safety culture in which people are valued above all other priorities and in which all employees, from top management to the shop floor, speak up if they have concerns about safety.
Imagine our delight then when Carl Beckett, HSE Coordinator for Steel Service Centers Western Europe, chose our IOSH Approved Coaching for safety programme to support their journey both Carl and Etienne Winters, Head of HSE (ArcelorMittal Distribution Solutions Globally) wanted to take time out of their busy schedules to attend and participate for the full 2-days. Pictured above are the safety representatives, production supervisors and managers who joined Carl and Etienne on the first course in Wolverhampton recently.
Michael and I have long thought that Coaching for safety is a real leveler. It’s often the case that we have safety novices sat beside seasoned safety professionals sat beside non-safety people and the course works beautifully – there’s really no guessing whose coaching skills will be strongest. And if ever there was a course to prove the point, this was probably it.
And Carl could not have been more complimentary, saying “After two days with Michael and Arnie, my colleagues and I left the training room with our eyes opened. Such an inspirational, motivational and uplifting experience. Without a doubt the best investment in our people we have ever made.”
It’s rare to come across such an engaged and turned-on bunch of employees. It really was a fabulous experience and we’re delighted to be supporting Carl and Etienne.