What a fantastic start Foresight Health and Safety Consultancy have had, we have been trading for three months and have undertaken nineteen audits, developed and delivered training, reviewed policies and set up robust safety management systems and that's just an example of how busy we have been . The work has been undertaken in a diverse range of industries for example: education, social care, construction and retail etc.
Bearing in mind that when the Health and Safety Consultant knocks on your door he/she is not the most popular visitor, but we have had a fantastic response and met some lovely people who are clearly very dedicated to their work. Each and every establishment visited has in their own way demonstrated that they acknowledge their health and safety roles and responsibilities, and have valued the support and direction that Foresight have provided to them. Foresight are now continuing to work with establishments to further evolve safety management systems with the application of a sensible approach based upon proportion of risk.
Foresight would personally like to thank Nat West Bank, Leamington Spa, for their fantastic Woman in Business event yesterday. It was really exciting to see a room full of women who were motivated and driven to achieve. For Foresight, many new contacts were made and only one day later several business meetings have been arranged with potential new clients - so watch this space!!
Thank you our new clients, for trusting the knowledge and expertise that Foresight has to offer.